Artisan Profile,  Summer 2020

SPICE by Chef Tacha Henry

Can you please tell us a little bit about your product.

Spicy by Chef Tacha Hot Sauce is the best product made by a self-made Haitian black woman.

This Hot Sauce is Spicy, Smoky, and Sweet. 

Who are the players behind your product?

My Mom is my biggest inspiration to create this product.

This woman believes in me at 200%. So my dream is to make my Mom proud. In my Haitian-Creole voice, I want her to sit down and people to come and say to her congratulations, Mme Desrosiers. “Your daughter did a fantastic job with her business.”

What is the most challenging thing about the food manufacturing business?

The biggest challenge is not having the right connections. You can have the gift from God to create something amazing, but if you don’t have the right connection your products going nowhere.

In creole “ou chire wi.” My secret is God. He has my back and I never and never give up. The right connection is on its way to me… I can feel it!!! 

When did you start making this product?

I started making this product in March at the beginning of this pandemic.

Where can we find your products?

For now, you can get The Spicy By Chef Tacha Hot Sauce via my website

Why should anyone buy your products?

You should buy my product because it’s more than a product. When someone buys it they support a dream, 

they support a black-owned business. Most of my best buyers support me because they believe in my dream and they want me to be successful. 

How many employees do you have?

It’s only me for now – a one-woman show from the cooking, the pictures, the post, and responding to emails. I know God will provide me a team very soon. 

Thank you for your time. Not every day I have a magazine asking me to share my story. I don’t take your time for granted.

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